Do you notice visible cracks on your chimney? Before these issues worsen, our expertise in chimney repointing can come to the rescue, employing the best techniques to ensure a flawless outcome. A cracked, leaky, flaking, or crumbling chimney not only hampers its functionality but also poses safety risks. Neglected, it may suffer irreparable damage, necessitating expensive repairs or even a complete rebuild. Is your chimney displaying signs of wear and tear? It’s crucial to address these concerns promptly to maintain its structural integrity and safeguard your family’s well-being.
Over time, weather and aging weaken mortar joints in chimneys. Bricks lose their adhesive bond, leading to breakage. Chimney repointing is the corrective process that involves removing some of the old mortar and applying a new layer to fortify the joints. This method addresses minor damage and extends the chimney’s lifespan.
Quality Roofing & Chimney, a licensed and insured chimney contractor, specializes in chimney-related services. Whether it’s chimney repointing, new chimney installations, rebuilds, repairs, cleanings, or chimney liner installations, we are Long Island’s trusted chimney experts, boasting over 23 years of experience in the field.